
Disabling Barriers

The world is designed for "able" bodies and "typical" minds, but this is an ableist view of humans as we exist. There are big changes needed, but small steps to get there.

It's not going to be easy. It's going to be uncomfortable, but those of us with disabilities have lived with more than just discomfort and are well experienced at problem-solving.


We each have a voice, let's make sure it's heard. Making this change is going to be hard, we're going to need support. To support each other. This is what Connect is all about.

More about Connect

We each have rights and responsibilities, the aim of Champion is to give you the resources you need to empower yourself and advocate for others.

Learn about Champion

With Corporate we aim to help companies better equip themselves with educational resources, processes and support packages they can use to make their company disability-friendly.

Check out Corporate

Resources for Everyone

Our aim is to generate resources to guide everyone through taking down barriers in their lives, workplaces, and for each other.

For Disabled People

As disabled ourselves, we recognise that there are barriers we face, but unlike some organisations we want to be able to face them for ourselves. We know you can too.

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For Everyone

There is something each and every one of us can do to pull down the barriers for each other. It starts with learning, and understanding. We have some resources aimed at everyone!

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For Employers

Employment plays a big part in quality of life, companies can be doing a lot more to support disabled employees.

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